1. Choose your niche The first thing you need to do before starting any blog is choosing your niche. You can start blogging about anything but if you want to make money from it then you have to choose something that people are searching for. If you don’t know what kind of topics to write about then use Google Trends. This tool will show you how many searches there were related to different keywords over time. 2. Write regular content You should never stop writing even after publishing your first post. Writing blogs regularly is the best way to keep readers engaged. According to HubSpot research, users tend to visit blogs that update their content frequently. So, try to write at least once per day. 3. Build relationships Blogging is not only about sharing information; it is also about building relationships with other bloggers and influencers. There are several ways to build relationships like commenting on each other's posts, following each other on social media, subs...
Showing posts from January, 2018
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8 Simple Ways to Make Your Marriage Last. by Prince Ezekiel Ogbe
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Marriage isn't an exact science, but some guys do study it for a living. These psychologists, therapists, and counselors get paid to watch and analyze couples—and at the end of the day, they use what they've observed in the field to help their own unions stick at home. Searching for some solid matrimony advice? Steal these proven secrets: 1. Make it your top priority. “The marriage is number one, the children are number two, and work is number three. If you make marriage number one, your children will do better and you won’t have to spend that much time managing them—and you’ll be more productive at work. But if you reverse those priorities, nothing works. Make it first. Make it top.” – Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., coauthor (with his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt) of Making Marriage Simple, married 32 years 2. Reassess your needs. “The 7-year itch is real. The problem is that whatever you needed at year one, you don’t need any more, primarily because the other person’s done a good...
How to Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You, - Prince Ezekiel Ogbe
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Who doesn’t want to fall in love? It’s an almost universal desire, as common as a hashtag on a Kardashian tweet. If you are interested in a girl and desperately want her to love you back, there are some ways to inspire her interest. Getting a girl to fall in love with you requires you to build attraction with verbal and nonverbal interaction, while also showing her your naturally lovable qualities and taking the time to get to know her. Most importantly, be yourself and respect her for who she is.
HowTo Make Your Long-Term Marriage Happier, Starting Today, Prince Ezekiel Ogbe
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After you’ve been married for many, many years, that passionate kiss when your partner walks in the door can easily morph into a peck on the check that can then morph into an inability even to look up from your computer. Over the course of my 23-year marriage, there are times when I’ve felt my own husband and I were starting to become so familiar with each other that we were settling into a stultifying — albeit comfortable — routine. But there’s a real danger in that. Studies show that nearly half of men who have cheated say it was because of emotional dissatisfaction — and not sex. When men don’t feel connected or appreciated by their wives, they are vulnerable to the advances of any attractive woman who casts a lustful glance their way. And fellows, it works the other way as well. In his film “Annie Hall,” Woody Allen charged that “a relationship is like a shark. It has to constantly move forward or it dies.” I believe he was right.
How To Make A Man Fall In Love With You In 9 Easy Steps by Prince Ezekiel Ogbe
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You’ve met your dream guy, and things are going pretty well. But how can you be sure that he’s as head over heels for you as you are for him? If you’ve ever fallen hard for someone in the early stages of crushes and dating, you know the most frustrating — and the greatest — thing about it can be trying to gain their attention and earn their returned love . You want to prove yourself as someone worthy of their time and affection, but it’s never just as easy as casting a magic spell to make it all go well, is it? Relationships take time, dedication, and a steady mix of patience to work out right. After all, you’re trying to build a life with someone, and that’s no easy task. However, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a method to all of the madness or a way to get someone to notice the depth of your love and give you some of that adoration in return. A good relationship is like a dance. It requires two people giving their all and learni...
4 characteristics of a woman that make a man fall in love by Nollywood Director (Prince Ezekiel Ogbe )
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A person's appearance isn't everything in a relationship. Having a balance between physical attributes and character is ideal. A man usually falls in love because of the characteristics of a woman. There is no foolproof guide to make a man fall in love with you, but these four characteristics are likely to make a man fall in love: 1. Femininity Most men love feminine women; women who are beautiful because they show off that they are a woman in a classy and flirty way. A feminine woman likes being a woman. Men like the contrast that women bring to a relationship. Everything that is exclusively feminine usually attracts and seduces men. 2. Beauty This doesn't mean physical beauty, especially since that kind of beauty may not last. It is the beauty of your feelings, attitudes, gestures and character that make a man fall in love with you. Men observe the way a woman treats herself, other people, children and animals. A man notices her gentleness, intelligence...