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1. Choose your niche The first thing you need to do before starting any blog is choosing your niche. You can start blogging about anything but if you want to make money from it then you have to choose something that people are searching for. If you don’t know what kind of topics to write about then use Google Trends. This tool will show you how many searches there were related to different keywords over time. 2. Write regular content You should never stop writing even after publishing your first post. Writing blogs regularly is the best way to keep readers engaged. According to HubSpot research, users tend to visit blogs that update their content frequently. So, try to write at least once per day. 3. Build relationships Blogging is not only about sharing information; it is also about building relationships with other bloggers and influencers. There are several ways to build relationships like commenting on each other's posts, following each other on social media, subs


Sex is not just sex, sex is more of soul ties. When you sleep with different guys or ladies, you tie your soul with theirs, their souls may come in different forms of darkness. Some of this souls could possibly destroy you or delay your Blessings.

Sometimes we act so strange, so weird because the body is full of different darkness of souls.
As you go chasing for girls lusting after girls, sleeping with different girls lusting after guys, keep this on your mind, sex is not just sex, but a soul ties.

Having sex with different bodies means your body has different Shadows consist of different souls, you are not you, but different people in you.

No wonder many are suffering from marital delay; sometime in their life they slept with somebody who has an ancestral curse in their lineage. The demon is now in charge of your body. Marry πŸ’πŸ’ you of in the spirit realm.

Now think of this, your partner is faithful to you, but you go sleeping around and come back sleep with your partner( him/ her), that means you transferring all shadows to your faithful partner. Don't you think you are heartless? , careless or selfish by doing that?

Let's think before we do things. No amount of condom can protect your soul . just pick one partner and make him/ her your King πŸ‘‘πŸ° / Queen πŸ‘‘πŸ’πŸ‘ΈπŸ’…✊, have self control and do what is right for you. you won't go early to grave.

I feel like going deeper, but well how true it is?
Only mature people will understand what am saying.

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