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Try to read this to the end and be blessed although the message is in series

The man I am now in now in love with today, He have been trying to ask me out for long but have not been giving him chances because I am a woman of multiple relationships and i hardly have time for other things but he still didn't stop coming to me any time there is chance

I was just trying to find joy through my multiple dating so I can know the best among them, because I have also gone through some heartbreaks before reason why I find it hard to trust and settle for one, if this one give me joy today another one will give me joy tommorow, I just want to enjoy my life and be happy

So on this fateful day that he came again, I gave him chance to listen to him and he begin to express his feelings for me and how much he truly loves me and this time around, sincerely i couldnt resist him, I now begin to notice that he's very clean in nature and that his intentions are genuine, I don't know why he's didn't stop coming for me despite my wayward life and I wonder if he will able to cope because I'm still into my multiple relationships and I truly  cherished some of them 

I wonder why such a clean person will be after someone like me, an harlot? and I remember how some people also took this kind of opportunity for granted and later regret it, moreover there are many ladies that are even better than me out there, he didn't go after them, why me? so I gave him chance

And our relationship started, he started visiting me, showing me genuine love and care that others couldn't show me, He's even interested in my future, I always gain from our conversation, about working on my characters, my dream and talents, knowing God more and other things like that

I came to realize that anytime I am with him, there is this joy inside of me that I can't explain, he's peaceful to stay with, very humble and tolerates, anytime I'm speaking, he will be quiet till am through before he will also begin to give me response with wisdom, he do give me his attention and I started falling in love with him

He won't be happy if he have not hear from me in a day likewise me, whenever we are together, he don't always want me to go and our love begin to grow deeper and he begin to gain my trust 

Then i begin to share with him my worries and the way he do advice and encourage me was awesome, we begin to commune together to the point that I will see myself composing song of love for him

 I even wondered that do this kind of love still exist? But the problem started when he begin to correct my wayward lifestyle and start telling me he gave me his whole attention, why can't I concentrate on him alone and stop sharing my heart with others?
But this particular thing, I find it hard to do 

To be continued.
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