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1. Choose your niche The first thing you need to do before starting any blog is choosing your niche. You can start blogging about anything but if you want to make money from it then you have to choose something that people are searching for. If you don’t know what kind of topics to write about then use Google Trends. This tool will show you how many searches there were related to different keywords over time. 2. Write regular content You should never stop writing even after publishing your first post. Writing blogs regularly is the best way to keep readers engaged. According to HubSpot research, users tend to visit blogs that update their content frequently. So, try to write at least once per day. 3. Build relationships Blogging is not only about sharing information; it is also about building relationships with other bloggers and influencers. There are several ways to build relationships like commenting on each other's posts, following each other on social media, subs...

That little quarrel between you and your spouse, which you are permitting and feeding will soon become an issue in your marriage. Quickly forgive and forget.

Deal with that impure fire burning in your bosom before it leads you into a sexual scandal and desecrate your temple. Check closely and check again: and eliminate any foothold you have allowed the enemy in your heart and life. Take a pen and meticulously write them down as you honestly x-ray your life. Handle the "little fixed" together with the Lord Jesus before they destroy the beautiful vine of your life and destiny.

In one of my studies in medicine, I discovered that malignant sicknesses are from the onset, very easy to treat but difficult to diagnose. But when they reach their terminal point, they are easy to diagnose but difficult to treat.

In the same manner, we are often blind to our silent pride, corrupt emotions, quiet lists, impure thoughts, etc until they swallow us up without remedy. Wisdom is asking you to cooperate with the Holy Spirit now, to identify and summarily eliminate the little little seeds of Satan in your heart and mind before the choke your soul to death.

Ephesians 4:26 "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath"

Deal with that root of bitterness before it swallow up your Christian testimony. Deal with that little pride before it leads to your Swift fall from grace. Disengage that lying tongue: decide to speak only the truth "from the heart."

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