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For It's No longer farfetched that general elections is again, at the corner.

No longer farfetched that politicians are already at every nooks and crannies of our communities, on different social media handles, on radio and television stations, at social gatherings with their usual promises and political bargains.

No longer farfetched that political office Aspirants are now buying intentions and soon nomination forms to contest for different political positions.

No longer farfetched that politicians are now running round the clock lobbying political party members, re-.awakening old and abandoned relationships, gathering supporters etc.

No longer farfetched that politicians are now picking calls, returning missed calls, commenting on posts, replying text messages etc

No longer farfetched that you and I are now making decisions on who to support and who not to support, who to vote for and who not to vote for and whereas,  some of us  have already chosen  a candidate or our candidates.

It's Not disputable that it's a constitutional right of every qualified Nigerian to vote for his/her choiced candidate and or be voted for in elections for any position of governance.

However,  it is another golden opportunity for us to look before we leap for whatever decision we take today will stand for or against us for another four years ahead. 

What is your motivation about that man or woman you choosed or you are choosing to support or vote for? That you are Sacrificing your integrity and creating enemity with people around you on the alter of sudden and pretence attention and  care by the  politicians.

A man or woman who has been a business tycoon all his days that never thought about you, his village, his LGA, State,  even his own family for any assistance or development...

A man or woman who has been in high position of governance in the federal, State and Local Government civil service and never facilitated single employment for teaming unemployed graduates close to him or her, never thought of facilitating any federal, State project to his community or State, never cared about widows and orphans at his reach...

A man or woman who has been in elected political office that  can't fulfill half of his or camping promises, abandoned people who have worked for his victory, suddenly stopped picking calls,  whose priority is how to enriched him or herself, who cannot influence government presence for his or her people... 

That man or woman is now your Boss, your Leader, and you are now  singing his praises up and down...with fake and adulterated pictures...

Who told you he/she would change if elected?

Who told you he/she would change if given another or higher chance?

You must look before you leap for a better future of our political history!

Comrade Ogbe Benson Aduojo Esq.
Advocate for Good Governance and Credible Leadership


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